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Wheatens (Individual) - Faʻasinomaga Exhibition by Masina Creative
Wheatens (Individual) - Faʻasinomaga Exhibition by Masina Creative
Wheatens (Individual) - Faʻasinomaga Exhibition by Masina Creative
Regular price $30.00
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Individual Wheatens from Amanda Stowers exhibit Faʻasinomaga, finding identity takes milk & two sugars.

These stoneware Wheatens are made by hand, moulded from a real Wheaten. Made in two parts and joined together to create the perfect ceramic Wheaten replica! (Wheatens are sold individually)

Amanda Stowers of Masina Creative presents her first exhibition of work Faʻasinomaga; finding identity takes milk and two sugars at Moana Freshʻs Kū Kahiko Gallery.

Amandaʻs use of Faʻasinomaga in the title of her show relates to her sense of cultrual identity. She grew up in the pacific diaspora, over 10.000km away from her grandparents in Mangere, without any extended Sāmoan family, community or representation nearby. Amanda often struggled with identity and connecting with her Sāmoan culture. Despite being so far away, her Nana always managed to stay connected, sending care packages full of lollies, t-shirts and Sāmoan goodies. Lifelines to the culture that Amanda would cling to.

When Amanda was in her 20ʻs, she casually mentioned to her Dad how she prefers her tea. As it turns out, her Nana took her tea the exact same way. Milk and two sugars. The title finding identity takes milk and two sugars, pays homage to this unique similarity that connects Amanda to her Nana.

This exhibition explores the idea of "what if?". What would life look like, if Amanda grew up having a regular Sunday cuppa with her Nana? To learn about her culture, to talanoa, to faikakala. To engage in passing down the knowledge to the next generation, one cuppa at a time. To share the Minties and Wheatens her Nana would send, together at the same table. To connect and build identity, all over tea with milk & two sugars.

Amanda has the table set for a cuppa with treats, all in the style of her Nanaʻs 70ʻs styled Mangere fale. An acknowledgement of what could have been between granddaughter and grandmother, along with the importance of intergenerational matriarchal connection and talanoa.