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Te Waka Hourua Whītiki, Mātike, Whakatika!
Te Waka Hourua Whītiki, Mātike, Whakatika!
Regular price $30.00
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Following the treaty redaction action at Te Papa by Te Waka Hourua in December 2023, this book authored by the artists themselves is a first-hand recollection and reflection of their experience, complemented with some memorabilia of the action, and its impact in the public discourse.

Te Waka Hourua is a tangata whenua-led, direct action, climate and social justice rōpū. Their kaupapa is as described by heir whakaaturanga: Our waka hourua has set its course. We feel it is beyond time to shed light on the truth of our current and existential situation; endless destruction by an elite minority at the expense of the majority, and of hospitable life on planet earth.

Published by 5ever books, February 2024
Soft cover, 158 pages
148×210mm, upright