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Ngā Karere Kotahitanga Series - WHERO by Janie Randerson
Ngā Karere Kotahitanga Series - WHERO by Janie Randerson
Ngā Karere Kotahitanga Series - WHERO by Janie Randerson
Regular price $112.00
Payment options available with 4 instalments of $28.00 using Afterpay at the checkout

Ngā Karere Kotahitanga Series - WHERO by Janie Randerson

Handmade brooch made with ribbon, locally harvested harakeke & muka with non-traditional dyes.

Width - 4cm

Height 20cm

About the Artist

Ko Te Ramaroa nui a Kupe te maunga
Ko Tuwhatero te wairere
Ko Whirinaki te awa me te whenua
Ko Matai Aranui, ko moria, ko Pa te Aroha ngā marae Ko Te Hikutū te hapū

Ko Ngāpuhi te iwi
Ko Kupe te tangata

Ko Matawhao te waka
Ko Hokianga nui a Kupe te moana Ko Janie Randerson tōku ingoa.

My weaving journey has deepened my understanding of my whakapapa journey and my place in Te Ao Māori.

I have been privileged and enriched to spend time with whanau and iwi networks learning a little of the depth of knowledge Māori hold and are re-discovering in the realm of raranga, its historical and ongoing functionality in society and contemporary applications of traditional skills.

My journey has brought innumerable riches of people, places and creativity into my life for which I am very grateful.

I have also enjoyed joining with many other artists in exhibitions and collaborations in my home city of Tāmaki-makau-rau.